What is hate?
Is it that feeling you have when you lose a game?
Is hate what you feel when someone hurts you?
Or can it be the way you feel when you lose a loved one?
Maybe it is the thing that drives people to do the cruel things they do?
Or it could even be that deep down pain and anguish you suffer from?

What is hate?
Is it the way everyone feels towards people they don’t understand?
Is it the feeling you get when you fight someone?
Is it what you have when you commit a crime out of dislike?
Or is it that way you just don’t like anybody because they are different?
Or is it the way you do things to others to hurt them?

One thing can be for certain, we know what hate is........

                 by: James D. Watson Jr.
                         a.k.a. King Skare Krow

I Dream.....

I sit and I dream

I dream of what it would be like,
If I had never been.
If I were a millionaire.
If I had never been expelled twice.
If I had never done drugs.
If the world really did revolve around me.
If I really had lived out the goals from my past.

I dream of what it would be like,
If I had never gotten help with my problems.
If I could actually keep a steady girl friend.
If I was left all alone and by myself.
If I had never been on probation.

I dream of what it would be like,
If I couldn’t dream at ALL.

                         by: James D. Watson Jr.
                                                a.k.a.  King Skare Krow


What is life?

Is it when you have many friends?
Is it when you have ample amounts of money?
Is it what you have when you "KNOW" God?
Is it what you get for committing murder?

What is life?
Is it what you take away when you play God and hunt for sport?
Is it when everybody loves you?
Is it what you receive and lose too quickly?
Is it when you have nothing but love?
Is it what you have when you have nothing else at all?

How can we really know and understand what life is?
maybe one day someone will be fortunate enough to discover what life is.

                    by: James D. Watson Jr.
                        a.k.a. King Skare Krow



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